
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Perfect Biking Weather

Since I've talked about inclement weather in my last couple posts, I think it's worth mentioning what I consider to be "perfect biking weather."

For me, it happened when I was riding to work last week. It was morning, but late enough for the sky to be blue, quiet out, and around 63°.

Now, your initial reaction may be to think that 63° is a bit chilly for biking, but it's actually not. The reason being that, once you start pedaling, you warm up. This is especially true if you're like me and tend to pedal hard wherever you go. 60-65° means I can keep up a good pace, still wear shorts and a t-shirt, and not sweat everywhere. It's a nice balance.

I read somewhere (I wish I could remember the source, to give proper credit¹) that the trick to dressing for the weather when you ride is to feel slightly cool, but not uncomfortably so, before you start your ride. I've found that this rule of thumb is a great way to stay comfortable during your ride without overheating, and it's served me well over the years. Frankly, it's one of the things I love about biking - if you're cold, just pedal harder.

Now if only it were as easy to cool down that quickly...

What's your "perfect biking weather"? Let me know!

¹It may have been Sheldon Brown, but don't quote me on that. Either way, visit his site - it's one of the single best sources of cycling knowledge there is.

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