
Monday, January 13, 2014

Biking in a Winter Wonderland

Well, what passes for one here in Charleston, I should say. Considering that the Midwest was experiencing the deep freeze and extreme conditions of a "polar vortex," I would classify what we experienced as more of a "cold snap" than anything, since there wasn't even snow.

Mind you, that is an extremely abnormal weather condition for this area - it went below 20 degrees, which was a record low, and people down here just aren't used to that kind of cold.

I swear I'm not a bank robber
Thanks to my Midwest upbringing, I am quite used to that kind of cold (though admittedly I've gotten spoiled, weather-wise, since moving south), and was prepared. Frankly, I was kind of excited to finally bring out my trusty balaclava for the first time in the 5 years since I moved down here. It's not even "true" cycling gear - it's something I picked up for a few bucks at a military surplus shop back when I started bike commuting, and it has proved to be invaluable during extremely cold conditions. I also had my trusty waterproof (and windproof) outer shell, gloves, and earmuffs (the cheap, foldable kind that go behind your head are perfect with a helmet), all of which kept me quite comfortable on the ride.

Honestly, it was fun having temperatures so out of the ordinary - I like to be challenged every now and then, and it brought me back to when I started bike commuting and first had to figure out how to dress for the cold. Not to mention, I genuinely enjoy a bit of cold weather. All you have to do is dress properly (layers!) and you can stay warm.

While we didn't get even a single snowflake during our cold snap, I actually saw ice that had formed over a fountain I pass by on my way home, which is equally uncommon. I got a couple photos for proof, including one with my trusty Amelia. As I biked away, I saw a car pull over and the driver leaned out to take a few photos, too. Apparently I wasn't the only one enjoying the cold.

Stay Warm!

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