Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chop Wood, Carry Water, Ride Your Bike

"Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." 
-Zen Proverb

What I love about biking is how it forces you to be mindful of your surroundings; to live in the moment. When you're pedaling along, you have to pay attention to what's right in front of you, not what's been causing you stress all day or what things you have to get done when you get home. Thus the act of riding your bike can turn into a sort of forced meditation, whether you intended it or not.

Photo credit: MamaMick
The Zen proverb I quoted above, if you aren't familiar with it, points out how the day-to-day actions of someone who has achieved Enlightenment aren't any different from the actions of someone who has not. The difference is in how they approach these actions. The Enlightened individual knows that, when chopping wood, the only focus should be on chopping wood, not the numerous other things going on in your day. Every action is a chance for mindfulness: living in the moment, no matter how mundane.

For me, cycling has always been an easy way to accomplish this mindful state because it doesn't give me a choice. I have to keep moving to keep the bicycle going forward: I work for every revolution of the tires, I feel every bump in the road. Even if there aren't any cars, there are potholes, road debris, and other hazards that require my constant attention. The act of riding your bike is so interactive and involved that it's nearly impossible to not focus on what you're doing. You and your bicycle are connected, working together, in the moment. It's a wonderful chance to achieve a little bit of Enlightenment every day,. Give it a try - you'll be glad you did, especially on days when you have a lot on your mind.


  1. What a wonderful way of thinking! Being mindful of the NOW is how you stay on the best of paths!

    1. Agreed! It really does make a big difference in my life, and biking makes it easier to achieve.
      Thanks for reading!
