
Friday, April 4, 2014

Making Connections by Bicycle

I'll keep this short, because I have a plane to catch.

One of the things I love about bike commuting is how I get to connect with other people. When you're in a car, you really aren't going to smile and wave at another driver, let alone a pedestrian. But when you're on a bike, you're out there - part of the world around you. That means that, when you bike past someone going the opposite direction, you can smile and give a friendly wave. Just a little bit of human connection on your journey. It's a wonderful thing.

On my morning ride, I often see an elderly couple walking along. They walk at a snail's pace, hand-in-hand, and I give them a wave whenever I can. Seeing them makes me happy - you can tell they're in love, that they've been together a long time, by how they interact. It's one of my favorite things to see each morning, because it's such a wonderful example of lasting love. It's something you'd miss if you were driving by.

Why so sentimental? Why the upcoming flight? Well, it's my anniversary and my amazing wife and I are taking a trip to New York. I made a connection with her all the way back in high school and we've been side-by-side ever since. Now we're celebrating four wonderful years of marriage and I couldn't be happier. Maybe one day we'll be that old couple, shuffling along, that puts a smile on your face as you bike past. Give us a wave if you do.

Keep making connections - you never know where they'll lead.

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