Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Roses and sunshine

I think it's worth mentioning that, in spite of my love of biking and even after all these years, there are still some mornings I'm just not that eager to get in the saddle. Mind you, most of the time, those are mornings I wouldn't be terribly eager to commute by car, either, but I'll admit that there are times I'm not all roses and sunshine about biking to work. When I'm tired, when it's windy out, when it's 90-degrees out and, yes, when it's raining, there are times I've thought "ugh, I wish I had a car this morning."

But the thing is, there's always that qualifier - "this morning." Because some days, I just don't want to get rained on, or sweaty, or have to pedal against the wind. Some days, the convenience of a car sounds awfully appealing. But then I start pedaling and, while it may not be roses and sunshine, I wouldn't be doing anything else.


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