Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Side Effects May Include...

Diagnosis: A sprained knee from biking too hard for a couple weeks, on a bike where my seat was probably a bit lower than it should have been.

Prescription: Ice knee three times daily, take double-dose of Aleve twice daily, and do not ride bike for two weeks, minimum.

Bag of frozen peas
The world's best ice pack.
Side effects may include: Alternating feelings of restlessness and tiredness. Frustration. General irritability and grumpiness. Looking out window forlornly on nice days. Fidgeting. Excess energy. Lack of energy. Feeling down. Feelings of dependency on those you hitch a ride with. Mood swings. Dependence on bags of frozen peas. Feelings of jealousy when you see others bike commuting. Randomly opening shed door and staring at neglected bicycles. Feelings of guilt for neglecting said bicycles. Stir-craziness. Overall sense of malaise.

This is seriously driving me nuts. I've only done one short ride in the past week and a half, and that still caused knee pain. Have already promised one (extremely nice) coworker a fresh-made pie for letting me carpool with her for an entire week. Now alternating between other coworkers to avoid having to bake more pies. I'm honestly not sure what I'll do if my knee is not better by next Monday. Here's hoping... guess I'll go grab my frozen-pea-ice-pack for now. Time to ice again.


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